Third-Party Custody and Parenting Time
Third-Party Custody
Otherwise known as a "119 Action" and formerly "Grandparents Rights" third parties have remedies in Oregon for fighting for custody of a child. These remedies can be available to third-parties that have established a parent-child relationship with a child or children. Custody is different than parenting time and it is important to understand the distinction. Custody gives a person decision making authority regarding what we refer to as "The Big Three" which are education, medical, and religious decisions.
Contact our office with additional questions regarding Third-Party Custody.
Third Party Parenting Time
As mentioned above, this is commonly referred to as a "119 Action" for parenting time. As noted above and elsewhere on our site it is important to understand the difference between custody and parenting time. Remedies for third-parties are available to those that have formed a parent-child relationship with a child or children.
These rights can include:
Entering into a parenting plan with the parent or parents
Receiving child support
Making day-to-day decisions for a child
If you have helped raise a child due to circumstances for the parents whether that be age, substance abuse, mental health issues, etc. there are ways to continue to be involved in a parent role with the child even if reunification has happened with the parents. You have options.